Swami Chinmayananda on Preservation of Communities

Thursday, December 4, 2008

What Have We LOST????

By Sagar Raina

According to last verse of chapter 18 of Bagwad Gita, the opulence,victory,extraordinary power, and morality is only possible where krishna and Arjuna are both Present. Krishna is an example of master of all mistics , which means He is the master of intellect or intelligence and Arjuna is an example of absolute Potency means Arjuna is most strengthed person. As a whole wherever there is presence of both intelligence and strength, there only victory, opulence, extra ordinary power and morality is absolutely certain.

Loosing Kashmir , our motherland , from our clutches is not what we have lost but lossing our intellect for which our ancestors were called as intellectual, is what we have lost. So even though if you have energy but you don't have intelligence, you are defeaters in the war.

What is this war? Is this war which I am refering to: the war of taking Pandits back to motherland kashmir? No ...This war refers to cultural degradation among our Kashmiri Pandit youths.

Moreover it is important for many of my youth friends to understand "what culture means?" In latin culture means " to cultivate"Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society."As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, games, norms of behavior such as law and morality, and systems of belief as well as the art.

It means if one looses his culture , he has lost his identity. So Kashmiri Pandit youths are floating in the same boat whose driver has lost the direction of culture and is now wandering in a huge ocean of this world directionless and may extinct in this tempest of ocean very soon.

The only thing by which we can be still recognized as Kashmiri Pandits is our Mother tongue. But unfortunately today’s scenario is absolutely different. Youths nowdays hesitate and feel ashamed in speaking in Kashmiri. They say “they can understand but cannot speak” that is the most unfortunate part on us that still existing we are dead. For this tragedy I blame parents of these young Kashmiri Pandits who resisted their children at their homes to speak in Kashmiri.Automatically when they marry their children will be far away from Kashmiri language and in turn they will hesitate to call themselves as Kashmir Pandits.Kashmiri Pandits have a history of several migrations and those people who migrated to different parts of India centuries ago have forgotten their Kashmiri language, rituals, traditions etc. But their sir names are still kashmiri.They say they are not Kashmiri Pandits but their fore fathers were the same. Our next generation pandits will repeat the above statement again and hence Kashmiri Pandit community will remain no more.
I suggest all Kashmiri organizations who are raising voices for lost Kashmir must switch over to regain what actually we have lost. Lands will come again and again. But culture once lost cannot be regained. Kashmiri Pandit is a small community but consisting of many organizations, these organizations have been constantly raising voices for lost Kashmir but if we see ourselves internally we are lost. The resulatant of this cultural degradation is intercaste marriages.If the parents of young KP had imbibed the cultural relevance among their childrens , the case would have been different and favourable.

So start thinking over it fast and take actions because we have a short time left with us..otherwise KP community will be no more n next 50 years.


Unknown said...

namaskar marha...
firstly let me specify that this comment is completely my individual exp..
yes we have lost the basic essence of our culture...i do not deny...but hw can u blame our parents for it..u say tha loosing the land is not the basic issue..but have u actually forgotten the circumstances in vich v lost our land...hw many of us vere killed...v left the valley just to save our lives...many of us vere call themselves as kp's just becuz they were afraid of bng caught...the fear they had lived in the valley...haunts many of thim still today...
i may not b able to speak hard-core kashmiri but i can easily manage a conversation anywhere nytime...but yes i have lived thru the fact that ven i went to kashmir for the first tym i was askd not to spk kashmiri...but i remind u again it was not becuz v dnt luv our culture but becuz of the horror they had earlier faced...
but yes i completely blame the todays youth becuz v mixed up with ppl arnd us...but in the proces v shldnt have forgotten our own culture...i dnt knw the exact reason...i dnt knw if they are really ashamed to speak up there language...n today i hardly knw any of my friends who can spk the language fluently...but yes they can understand it...its shame on us ..but not on our parents..

Anonymous said...

Dear shweta...

Thanks a lot for your response...
This is a good begining where we can discuss various issues and reach to some conclusion..

let me give u my individual experience and based on that I wrote this article...

1. Regarding Why did I blame
our Parents:

I can speak Kashmiri fluently because my parents interacted with in Kashmiri only..because you may be speaking with your friends in Hindi and your medium of instruction in schools and colleges may be English.. thats why you are sound at HIndi and English. Now When you come home and your parents will start speaking with you in Hindi or english, you are far away from koshur..But they(parents) may be interacting with each other in Kashmiri which you listen and can understand but you cannot speak because your parents have never tried it with you or they restricted you to hindi or English..So there is no scope of fluent Kashmiri..
Now when you marry and you have children .. will you speak with them in non fluent Kashmiri..NO..Therefore you will try to go for some other option..ie Hindi or English..In this way Kashmiri Language will be effaced as the time progesses and new generations come into existence..

Even the families of my relations had opted this mechanism and now their children can understand Kashmiri but cannot speak..

Certainly this is the one of the reason of Intercaste marriages..Those guys or girls who cannot speak kashmiri their preference is always to marry with non kashmiri because can't make themselves adjusted in kashmiri family..

2. Regarding Loosing the land is not a big issue..

Lossing land was an issue for our parents and grand parents who had spend their life in Kashmir..Every thing was done with kashmiriyat angle..whether it may be your traditions, customs rituals, marriages, food, everything...

Now when we migrated from Kashmir to different parts of our country or overseas..Every one is in new environment and atmosphere..By this time new generation came into existence and grand parents grew older..Our parents and our present generation got settled at their own places ...our grand parents grew more older and now they are at the verge of death...At this moment When everyone is busy in his schedule..and present generation is not knowing who we are? what has been our past .. What are our rituals..customs..traditions ..at this point raises voices for land becomes a much smaller issue...

This may be my individual experience...

THanks and redards

ARUN DASSI said...

Kashmiri lifestyle is essentially slow paced and reflects religious diversity. we are known to enjoy our music in its various local forms, and the traditional dress of both sexes is often quite colourful.

The Dumhal is a famous dance in Kashmir, performed by men of the Wattal region. The women perform Rouff, another folk dance. Kashmir has been noted for its fine arts for centuries, including poetry and handicrafts.Original Kashmiri Pandit (Hindi: कश्मीरी पण्डित) refers to a person who belongs to a sect of Hindu Pandits who originate from the Kashmir region we have been living there continuously for centuries prior to the existence of Islam. The Kashmiris are probably the purest members of the Aryan Race in India and the original home of the Aryans was probably Kashmir.we have a recorded history in Kashmir for thousands of years and have also been mentioned in the Mahabharata.

During the Islamic period of the Kashmir valley, hundreds of temples in Kashmir were destroyed. 9 As a result, Kashmiri Pandits gradually migrated to other parts of India to escape persecution. Kashmiri Pandits and Buddhists were forcefully converted which in time resulted in Kashmir becoming predominantly Muslim. Although, some Kashmiris willingly accepted Islam, specially because of the Sufi missionaries. The devastation wrought by the Turkish general from Turkmenistan Zulju in 1320, during his conquest of many regions of Kashmir Valley was especially unfortunate. This could have a been a reaction to Lalitaditya's earlier conquest of Turkmenistan. Sultan Sikander (1389-1413), the seventh Muslim ruler in Kashmir, is known for his oppression of non-Muslim populations, which caused many Kashmiri Pandits to leave the Kashmir valley. 4 Historians call him an idol-breaker (or iconoclast) and he is said to have killed several thousand Kashmiri Pandits and/or forced them to convert to Islam or flee. 5 Sultan Ali Shah and others followed suit. 9 There have been a few Muslim rulers who were tolerant towards the Pandits, however they were not able to ultimately alleviate the plight of the Pandits. This can be ascertained from the fact that the Pandits never rose to their pre-Islamic glory and that their population in the valley continued to decrease over time. From the 14th century due to the growth of Islam and forced conversions into Islam their numbers in the valley began to diminish and the Muslims by spreading Islam began to outnumber them.

British historians, such as Walter Lawrence, note that persecution of Kashmiri Hindus ie ours by zealous Muslim rulers resulted in as little as eleven original Kashmiri Hindu families remaining in Kashmir at one point. Walter Lawrence mentions that: More recently (1990), hundreds of thousands of Kashmiri Pandits had to flee the Kashmir valley because of being targeted by Kashmiri and foreign militants. 6 As per the statement of US Congressman Joe Wilson, beginning in 1989, mosques in Kashmir declared jihad and blared warnings from loudspeakers to the Hindus that they were infidels and had to leave Kashmir. He further says that, "From 1989-1990, Islamists began a terror campaign to drive Hindus from Kashmir". 7 Some people have noted that some Kashmiri Muslims were tolerant of minorities, but since partition, most Kashmiri Muslims have adopted a more conservative approach to Islam, and since 1989, a more militant and fundamentalist approach. By the turn of the last century, only 6.4% of Kashmiris were Hindus. 10 The US Department of State reports that, according to the Indian National Human Rights Commission, the Kashmiri Pandit population in Jammu and Kashmir dropped from 15 percent in 1941 to 0.1 percent as of 2006. 11 [1]

Anonymous said...

Thanks Arun for your detailed past of Kashmiri Pandits..We appreciate your contribution..

You can contribute us through your writtings which will be beneficial for youths of our Community.

RANISH said...

sarvotra namaskar...

sagar i really like your initiative...as far as speaking kashmiri is concerned, lemme tell u .. we all are at fault..

tc buddy

Anonymous said...


U r right..

pass on ur suggestions and ways of overcoming the fault...

discussions, debates regarding our cultural degradations needs a space now in our community..

We need to actively participate in it..


Rudresh Kaul said...

you have written that KPs whose ancestors left the valley centuries back do not call themselves as kashmiris and moreover, they have forgotten their rituals, etc. two things:-

1. i am happy that you know about this part of our community about whom most of the people especially those who migrated post 1990 do not know.

2. you are wrong and unfair to them in your observation about them like any other KP who has migrated from kashmir recently in the last two decades.

jai hind, jai hindu.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rudresh

I appreciate your response..

I shall be thanful to you if u can elaborate your point 2..so that I can understand whr I am going wrong in my observation..

Thanks and regards

Rudresh Kaul said...

i appreciate your reply. in simple words, those kashmiri battas who left the valley centuries back, their descendants are known as puraane kashmiris.
they came as courtesans to the erstwhile princely states of rajputana and oudh/awadh. but, if you want more info. tell me your e-mail ID..
now, coming to where you are wrong. mhara, these people are the only people in this world who even after having lived far from their motherland for centuries, have maintained their identity of being kashmiris. it is true they do not speak kashmiri, but its natural in the conditions they have lived. also, they follow many rituals, especially navreh ones. yeah they do not celebrate herath. they even follow oneor two rituals which are said to have been forgotten by us. yeah they do tell speaking kashmiris, such things of not being KP and all that.
but thats just to avoid a lecture on having lost their culture, language,etc.

Rudresh Kaul said...

also, if i want to contribute to your blog. how is it to be done??????

jai hind jai hindu.

Anonymous said...

Rudresh ...

U can post ur writings on kashmiripandit.navjawaan@gmail.com

ur articles are allways welcome..It will certainly lead us towards some positive destination..

Take care and Regards